Associazione Ambientalista a carattere volontario ed apartitica, che si configura quale associazione di fatto. Essa non ha alcuna finalità di lucro. L’area di svolgimento delle attività dell’Associazione è delimitata ai comuni della Valdisieve.



Le attività e aperture del Laboratorio di Riparazione e Riuso di Londa 
sono il mercoledì e il sabato pomeriggio.

lunedì 24 novembre 2014

Lettera aperta a Juncker sull'Economia Circolare

Jean-Claude Juncker
European Commission,
Rue de la Loi 200
1049 Brussels

CC: Vice President Timmermans, Commissioner Vella

Brussels, 19
November 2014,
Dear President Juncker,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern about the potential withdrawal
of the Circular Economy Package from the Commission’s 2015 Work Programme. Given its
potential for green job creation, resource security, environmental protection and economic
growth, combined with the strong support from a wide variety of stakeholders, we condemn its
possible withdrawal.

Since its release in July, the political process has begun in earnest, and we stress that this must
be allowed to continue. During October’s Environment Council Meeting, Member States
explicitly recognised that a transition towards a resource efficient circular economy is essential
for our future competitiveness and long-term sustainable development. The Committee of the
Regions has already issued a draft opinion, and the European Parliament has also begun its
work, demonstrating the strength of interest in this proposal.

Numerous studies have highlighted the significant environmental, economic and social benefits
of moving towards a circular economy. In addition to clear environmental benefits, the impact
assessment shows that full implementation of current EU waste legislation together with more
ambitious waste policy would create over 580,000 jobs, increase the annual turnover of the EU
waste management and recycling sector by €42 billion and would save €72 billion a year in
waste management costs. As such it is a cornerstone for Europe’s future competitiveness.

With broad stakeholder support across Europe, we call on the European Commission to respect
the will of European citizens, municipalities, politicians, academics, NGOs and businesses by
supporting the continued discussion and adoption process for the Package.

Yours sincerely,
Anastasia Roniotes, Head Officer, Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture
and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE)
Anja Leetz, Executive Director, HealthCareWithoutHarm
Antigone Dalamagas, President, RREUSE
Dr. Arthur ten Wolde, Coordinator Circular Economy, IMSA Amsterdam
Cory Edelman, Director of Programmes, ClientEarth
Franco Zanata, President, Contarina (Public Waste company Priula and TV tre)
Gilles Assenjo, President, Surfrider Foundation Europe
Dr. Heather Leslie, Institute for Environmental Studies VU University Amsterdam
Janko Kramžar, Director, Snaga (Public Waste company of Ljubljana)
Jan Willem Goudriaan, General Secretary, EPSU
Jeremy Wates, Secretary General, European Environmental Bureau
Jorgo Riss, Director, Greenpeace EU
Josep Maria Tost, President, ACR+
Josu Juaristi Abaunz, Member of the European Parliament
Lasse Gustavsson, Senior Vice President and Executive Director, Oceana Europe
Laura Degallaix, Secretary General, ECOS
Magda Stoczkiewicz, Director, Friends of the Earth Europe
Martine Postma, Founder/Director, Repair Café Foundation
Martin Garitano, Diputado General, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
Dr. Monica Verbeek, Executive Director Seas At Risk
Nadine De Greef, Secretary General, FEAD
Norman MacDonald, Senior President, KIMO International
Paolo Di Croce, Secretary International, Slow Food
Professor Richard Thompson, School of Marine Science and Engineering, Plymouth University
Ray Georgeson, Chief Executive, Resource Association
Rossano Ecolini, President, Zero Waste Europe
Vanya Veras, Secretary General, Municipal Waste Europe


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