Associazione Ambientalista a carattere volontario ed apartitica, che si configura quale associazione di fatto. Essa non ha alcuna finalità di lucro. L’area di svolgimento delle attività dell’Associazione è delimitata ai comuni della Valdisieve.



Le attività e aperture del Laboratorio di Riparazione e Riuso di Londa 
sono il mercoledì e il sabato pomeriggio.

venerdì 24 maggio 2013

UE -->CONCLUSIONI: Gli impianti di termovalorizzazione non sono la migliore opzione ambientale per la gestione dei rifiuti residui e non sono un ponte verso un futuro di Rifiuti Zero

What is the best disposal option for “Leftovers” on the way to Zero Waste?

Ecocycle, 2013

Waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities are not the best
environmental option for managing leftover waste and they are not a
bridge to a Zero Waste future
, as claimed by the WTE industry. After
maximizing their source-separated recycling and composting efforts,
communities looking to minimize the environmental impacts of their
remaining waste should pursue an Material Recovery Biological
Treatment-to-landfill system (MRBT)
because it recovers the greatest
amount of additional recyclables, stabilizes the organic fraction of the
residuals, reduces the amount of material to be disposed of in a
landfill, and minimizes the negative environmental and public health
impacts of landfilling leftovers compared to the available alternative
technologies. This study shows that it is reasonable to conclude that
the MRBT option is not only the best environmental practice for
disposing of residuals, but it is also the best community strategic
option as well
. MRBT is not a replacement or substitution for
source-separated recycling and composting, but it is a valuable tool for
helping communities reduce the environmental impacts from the disposal
of their leftovers on the way to Zero Waste.

Link to 'What is the best disposal option for “Leftovers” on the way to Zero Waste?'


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