Associazione Ambientalista a carattere volontario ed apartitica, che si configura quale associazione di fatto. Essa non ha alcuna finalità di lucro. L’area di svolgimento delle attività dell’Associazione è delimitata ai comuni della Valdisieve.



Le attività e aperture del Laboratorio di Riparazione e Riuso di Londa 
sono il mercoledì e il sabato pomeriggio.

giovedì 10 dicembre 2015

CLIMA COP21 A Parigi la battaglia cruciale succede ORA - DA FIRMAREEEEEE

A Parigi la battaglia cruciale succede ORA 

I ministri a Parigi sono restii ad impegnare i loro paesi alle riduzioni necessari per avere un vero effetto.  Firmate e fate firmare! Dite loro che gli impegni devono essere concreti e non fumosi.  Si tratta delle vite di milioni e milioni di persone.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jamie Henn -" <>
Subject: The critical fight in Paris is happening now: 
Date: December 9, 2015 11:56:12 AM GMT+01:00
To: "Comitato Ampugnano" <>

The critical fight of the Paris climate talks will be in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Things here got off to a remarkable start, as many world governments aligned around a very ambitious target of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, thanks to the bold demands of leaders on the front lines of the crisis.
But now that optimism is starting to fade as ministers back off from making the hard commitments it will take to get there.
Keeping these new promises requires setting a date by which we will stop digging up and burning coal, oil and gas which cause climate change -- but after over two decades of procrastination, world governments are considering waiting another lifetime for action.
The draft text circulating now in Paris proposes a global energy transition 'over the course of the century', which is too far-off, and too vague to send a strong signal. We need to transition off fossil fuels by 2050 -- at the very latest. That will only happen if countries sign an ambitious deal now, and commit to reviewing their currently-inadequate national pledges for action on a regular basis.
Talks are moving rapidly towards a final deal here in the next 24 to 48 hours. Can you tell negotiators in Paris to set a long term goal for a just transition by 2050 at the latest, and pledge to keep upping their ambition every 5 years?
This is about survival for millions and millions of people facing rising seas, deepening drought and superstorms. Delaying the transition to renewable energy until the end of the century would make it impossible to keep warming below 1.5 C.
Youth here in Paris often make the point that world governments have been talking about action longer than they've been alive. The draft text could mean that today's youth are born into a world waiting for climate action, and go their entire lives without seeing the age of fossil fuels come to an end.
The global climate movement has struggled to move world governments from words to action here in Paris. In the next 24 to 48 hours, we'll find out if world governments have heard the demand for action echoing in the streets: Keep fossil fuels in the ground. Transition to 100% renewable energy. No more empty promises.
We don't have another lifetime to wait. Tell negotiators to commit to a goal of a global energy transition by 2050.
Much more to discuss soon,

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